Motor Vehicle Accidents (commonly abbreviated MVA) can cause a wide range of physical injuries and mental trauma.
Common injuries resulting from a motor vehicle accident include whiplash, neck & back pain, and pain throughout other areas of the body. Symptoms may range from minor to severe.
Receiving post-MVA medical evaluation is crucial for a full recovery, as an accident can lead to long-term chronic problems if not addressed properly.
Our team at Bioflex Laser Therapy Clinic is comprised of regulated healthcare professionals and recognized experts in pain management and physical rehabilitation.
The team of Medical Doctors, Registered Physiotherapists, Chiropractors, Athletic Therapists, Naturopathic Doctors, and Massage therapists work with the clients of all ages with varying degrees of MVA injuries.
The services include PBMT, Physical therapy, Massage therapy, and other specialized programs. Programs are tailored to the needs of every patient.
Our goal is to help our clients enjoy life and remain productive and active members of the community.