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Success Stories
February 14, 2024 / June 25, 2024 by BIOFLEX Laser Therapy Clinic
I came to Dr. Kahn because I wanted help with my long term memory. I noticed slowly over time, that I had started to forget events that happened in my life, words of songs I use to sing every day amongst other things. I had no idea how much the laser therapy could help heal, […]
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February 13, 2024 / June 25, 2024 by BIOFLEX Laser Therapy Clinic
Dear Dr. Kahn, In October of 2016 I visited your Toronto clinic to receive 12 days of laser treatment for “chemo brain.” At the time I was a 54-year-old physician from Kansas who had had 600 hours of neurotoidc chemotherapy to cure Burkitys lymphoma. I had symptoms of brain fog, fatigue, and balance issues. I […]
Dear Dr. Kahn, While this letter Is late coming, I wanted to make sure that there Is no recurrence of my migraines since treatment at your clinic. I had some 15 treatments with cold laser during Aug—Oct 2017 period with truhr miraculous result. After your diagnosis and direction, and treatment by your very competent professionals, […]
Dear Dr. Kahn, I want to take this opportunity to thank you immensely for your trailblazing, and essential work in laser therapy. Following a series of your prescribed laser treatments, I have not only experienced remarkable health improvements related to prior head concussions, I also experienced positive changes with my mood, increased immunity and reduced […]
When I first became a patient of Meditech, I was two months into recovering from a serious sports concussion (March 2018). Due to my whiplash incident, my neck was very stiff, reducing circulation to my brain, resulting in intense fatigue and brain fog (along with other symptoms such as high sensitivity to light/noise). I went […]
In 1997 I sustained a Severe Traumatic Brain Injury as I was involved in an extremely serious motorcycle accident. I was not expected to live, but I was given the gift of a Second Life and a Second Chance. But then only 4 years ago in 2013 I sustained 2 more Traumatic Brain Injuries at […]
Dear Dr. Kahn, My husband and I have a BioFlex and laser that we bought from your company a few years ago. The latter just recently. I wanted to let you know how they have changed our lives. I am now 75 with some osteoarthritis, a neuroma and some heart issues (I know it hasn’t […]
To: Slava Kim and all Meditech staff Just to let you know that I am extremely happy with the results of my Treatments at Meditech and with the portable unit I took home with me. After my stroke I had a debilitating fatigue and had some vision loss (quadrantanopia). I have enclosed a copy of […]
Dear Dr. Kahn, I wanted to thank you for the miracle of my much improved knees. I have been truly suffering with both knees since November of 2012. Prior to that, I had them both “scoped” in 2005 to get rid of the arthritis. I was out of Canada in November when my knees became […]
Just over a year and a half ago, I read about your work with LILT in Dr Norman Doidge’s book. Intuitively I knew that this was the next step in my journey of healing, and looked forward to the opportunity to meet you and begin Laser Therapy. Meeting you and your team at Meditech and […]
Hello Dr. Kahn, It’s Toni Van Duyne from Barcelona. I don’t know if you remember me I came to see you in October and I left with a professional unit for myself but most of all to try to work and spread the greatness of this technology. My back is much better than before and […]
Case Study
February 5, 2024 / June 21, 2024 by BIOFLEX Laser Therapy Clinic
MEDICAL HISTORY: The patient is a 39-year-old yoga instructor who has a one year history of severe pain in the cervical spine, progressive in nature. There is no history of specific injuries recorded; however, her work may have gradually resulted in producing the problem. There is radiation of pain to both upper extremities which were […]
February 5, 2024 / June 26, 2024 by BIOFLEX Laser Therapy Clinic
What exactly is cold laser therapy and how does it work? In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at this emerging medical technology and explore how it may offer an innovative approach to treating a variety of conditions. Introduction to Cold Laser Therapy Cold laser therapy is also known as low-level laser therapy […]